A Holy, Authentic Personality

What is that holy, authentic personality? What is personality as seen through God’s eyes? Most would agree that each soul is unique. At least those who haven’t been totally brainwashed by today’s culture and have not given themselves entirely over to...

Where’s the Value in Life?

We have all felt that aching of the spirit, that deep-down hunger and seemingly unquenchable thirst for something we couldn’t identify. We’ve all felt that loss of direction, purpose or meaning in life – even when, and perhaps, especially when – we’re doing the things we wanted to do most. When we feel like this, it’s time for a spiritual reset.

Spiritual Nutrition Versus Junk Food for the Soul

The soul wants one thing, the ego another. The soul requires essential things for its sustenance. The ego desires this and that to satisfy its appetites. There is a constant battle within us where spiritual nutrition for the soul is pitted against empty but comforting...

The Gift

You are the gift. You: your soul created and sustained by the spirit of God and manifested through your body – your smile, your glance, your touch, your voice. Your mind and all the innate gifts God endowed you with, these constitute the gift that is you.