Entering the Kingdom of God’s Will

Leave the “adult” behind. Childlikeness is the Price of Admission If the price of entry into the Kingdom of God–His Divine Will–is to become as a little child, then we must understand what that means and pursue it all costs. I think the main...

Stop Fuming and Fussing and Get on with Your Life

You have everything you need to fulfill your purpose. Thank God and Don’t Waste another Moment If we could understand one fact, if we could but broaden our perspective, think bigger and let love have its way with us, we could eliminate so many unnecessary...

What does the Kingdom cost?

What must we renounce and sacrifice for the Kingdom?

We start by casting down those personal gods and idols, which we allow to enslave and exercise power over us. We cannot even begin to use our wills freely until we are liberated from those powers that control us either subconsciously or in plain view by our deliberate choosing.