Sing a New Song

O sing Him a song that is new, play loudly with all your skill. (Psalm 33)

The invitation to sing God a new song is not meant only for singers, musicians and composers. It is meant for every person of faith. So what does it mean to sing God a new song?

Eve and Mary Both Born Immaculate

Looking at Eve and Mary, both were created free from the stain of sin; both were immaculate.

One said “no” to God in the best of circumstances and the other said “yes” in the most difficult.

The Divine Dance

Moving in and with the Divine Will is like a dance. It’s a dance characterized by grace, beauty and subtle articulations of the soul that portray its union with God. When learning to dance, one first has to learn the steps, how to count them out to the music and...

Getting Past Shame to Healing

If we are willing to get past the personal embarrassment – and if we have a safe, encouraging environment to heal in – we can dramatically transform areas of our lives where we experience deep shame or any other poverty or lack.