Live your religion

If we live our religion, there can be no doubt in our minds – or in the minds of others – that God is real.

Is your agenda about you or love?

Our job is not to control, judge or rescue others – unless of course they are too young or unable to help themselves. Our job is to love. Sometimes, all we can do is extend a helping hand, intervening if necessary – and try to show the way –...

Do not be a slave to your thoughts

How often we suffer needlessly because we automatically accept our random thoughts – or others’ – as absolute truth. We must learn to distinguish our inmost self and affirm our freedom to decide apart from thoughts that pass through our head, often...

If Love Exists …

If love exists – a love so vast and powerful as to create our universe with its billions of galaxies, stars and planets – then we are who are thinking, reasoning beings must ask ourselves what we are to make of it.

What’s Keeping You from Holiness and Wholeness

Each of us holds something back from the healing fire of God’s love for fear that it will burn up and leave us with nothing.

The question is, what am I holding back and still trying to contol within my limited capabilities. And why?