God’s love and grace are so bountiful that we could never desire more than He already wants to give us.
Our God is always inviting us to discover more. God wants to share so much with us – insights and intimate knowledge of Himself and his mysterious designs – and He waits like an anxious father for us to reach each new level of spiritual maturity to bring us a greater gift from His storehouse of riches.
But He leaves it to us to choose. We make our choice by the way we live and through the focus of our hearts. If we could only but look up long enough to see there is much more – infinitely more – to our world than we typically see, we have a chance for escaping the ghetto of our petty, sinful lives.
God will not share his secrets indiscriminately or lavish gifts upon those who are not capable of receiving them anymore than a wise parent would lavish sophisticated gifts on an immature, rebellious child.
All God’s gifts are given for one reason: to increase our capacity for a closer union with Him, so that we might plunge into the mystical depths of his love, the same love that gave birth to all creation and holds the universe in sway.