Moving in and with the Divine Will is like a dance. It’s a dance characterized by grace, beauty and subtle articulations of the soul that portray its union with God.

When learning to dance, one first has to learn the steps, how to count them out to the music and then put it all together. In the beginning, things appear mechanical and disjointed. But after practice and increased familiarity with the routine and music, the dance begins to emerge as one thing. Once the dance routine becomes second nature, the dancer can move beyond the basics. At some point the music finds limitless expression in the dancer, who is totally absorbed by it.

So, too, goes our bonding and unification with God’s Divne Will. At first we learn to follow God’s will, taking the first, basic steps and gradually learning more sophisticated movements. After much effort and sacrifice, what was once mechanical becomes assimilated. The more we surrender ourselves to the celestial music of God’s Divine Will, the more surely and quickly we will find ourselves in an Eternal Dance with our Creator.