
by | 1978

A golden leaf breaks loose and falls to the ground.
Caught by the wind, it is lifted and whirled around,
till lightly it touches down…

Once, not so long ago,
the tree from which the leaf took life
sang the sun’s glory,
full of the earth’s music —
young and aglow.

The tree kept time with the changing seasons,
endured the raging storms.
Subtle breezes played upon its leaves gentle rhythms,
as the tree bowed to and fro.

Now autumn calls with days that are cooler,
as the tree catches the last lights of summer.
And so the leaves set free fly away,
casting rays of crimson beauty,
blessing all who see,
with their luminous flutter.

Naked the tree stands
with its roots deep in the earth.
And as it withers, seeming to decay,
what is the leaf but the fruit of the tree,
sharing in its rebirth…

A hallowed leaf breaks loose and falls to the ground.
Caught by the wind, it is lifted and whirled around,
till lightly it touches down.

And so the leaves must go again.
Yes, the tree must grow and draw new life again,
forever, it must grow.